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Suppliers Guide


Brian Wainwright - Theatre YK

Over thirty-five years of experience in the performing arts in Yellowknife and the Northwest Territories. Certified stage rigger. Grip. Special effects. Smoke, fog, snow machine, lighting equipment. Modular risers for camera positions and actors.

10 Ptarmigan Road
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2W8
(867) 444-9839
Contact Name: 
Brian Wainwright

Northwest Territories & Nunavut Construction Association

The NNCA is a non-profit representing construction companies operating in the Northwest Territories & Nunavut. Through our twice-weekly procurement newsletter, we can distrubute requests for construction services or supplies free-of-charge to over 300 industry contacts across Northern Canada.

PO Box 2277
Yellowknife NT, X1A 2P7
Contact Name: 
Matt Belliveau
Also listed under: 

Warehouse Media Group

Warehouse Media Group specializes in a variety of digital services including Video, Photography, Marketing and Graphic Design.

We've created projects for a variety of local businesses including the Yellowknife Racquet Club, Denesoline Corporation, Pome Clothing Co. and the City of Yellowknife to name a few.

P.O. Box 11039
Yellowknife NT X1A 3X7
(867) 444-4001
Contact Name: 
Devran Gelale
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