Royal Rent a Car
Committed to providing best in customer services and pricing. Airport or hotel pickup. Compact to full sized vehicles. Frequent renter discount program. Special rates for long term medical visits.
Committed to providing best in customer services and pricing. Airport or hotel pickup. Compact to full sized vehicles. Frequent renter discount program. Special rates for long term medical visits.
Light duty pickup truck rentals. Associated with VISA truck rentals.
Luxury coach rentals offer a well-spaced 16 passenger ride. The coach is equipped with a washroom, full-size fridge, large TV screen and a large separate luggage area. Other services include: private SUV transfers.
Operated by a local Northerner of 35 years, have worked with large and small film crews. Equipped to travel outside Yellowknife, and we know the regions well.
*Fully Insured: The coach carries a $2,000,000 Liability policy.
Let Tundra North Tours guide you with your next film project; with years of experience working in the north we will be sure to make your project a success. We know the area and have the local knowledge about working in the remote and harsh environments.
Located in Inuvik, Northwest Territories we are home to beautiful and unique landscapes and some of the most interesting cultures in the world.
General Motors authorized sales and service. Daily/weekly car and truck rentals.
We have a lodge, cabins, and camp for rental on an island on Great Slave Lake. We rent boats, cabins, snowmobiles, and tracked vehicles.